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Magical dreams and shiny things

Trophies of triumphs for all to see

Pictures and statues pleasing the eye

Reflecting upon how they came to be


Standing in line, waiting a turn

Clicking a picture, watching the door

Bartering shrewdly, the ultimate deal

Making our lives, better than before


Filling spaces with trivial things

Once upon needed, now discarded debris

Belongings that held, a life of new meaning

Now clutter up lives, not setting them free


Fill the void and vacant spaces, try to feel complete inside

Justified to bear the daily grind

A token sparks a fading memory, people and places from past lives

What once was needed, again, is left behind

Images of scenes from faraway lands

An autographed book from a writer we love

Vintage relics being found by chance

Discarded from some lost treasure trove


Building collections, of many things

Not having meaning, in present life

Later it seems, the moments are brief

Pulled into action by the same old lies


Do you remember...

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